It's an
about 250 pages book, full of information published in 2002 by the 3M
company itself! Unfortunately you will find a lot of background
information about their "post it" product, but no word about 3M games!!
Disappointing but unsurprising? It looks like the games area was not
really a great story for the company.
I gave it a second try. Such large companies have to
publish annual reports every year.

Games were part of the "Retail Tape and Gift
Wrap Division" in the "Tape and Allied Products Group". There
was one short info in the 1963 annual report:
"Several new products were added to the
educational art and craft line during the year, and a line of
"Bookshelf" games, primarily for the adult market, was field tested on a
limited basis." The reports of the following years
contain not more than such a simular info. In January 26, 1976, the 3M
games line was sold to Avalon Hill. I didnīt found any information about
this within the annual reports. Other
References: - Der Spiegel, 9/1971:
Erwachsenenspiele - Raffen und Schachern - Der Spiegel 3/1973:
- Der Spiegel, 41/1981:
Spiele: Grips
und Farbe (Sid Sackson) |